Monday, October 17, 2011


Hey everyone!
Just got home from the fall Moosefest yesterday. Sadly I was only able to paddle all day on Saturday and not on Sunday but I still had a great time. It was my first time going to the festival! It was a ton of fun, great people there.

All day Friday and Saturday it rained hard brining the level up. A normal level on the Bottom section is about 3 feet. This weekend it was between 5-5.5 feet. This being created some stompy holes out there. Our group did very well. Everyone had good lines. I ran Fowlersville 3 times and Agers 3 times and Crystal 2 times. Fowlersville was awesome at the high water. If you can get good direction you can launch off a giant ski jump on the left sending you flying over the large hole. I hit it every run. Agers was a very fun rapid starting off by going over a small dam then dropping a perfect 18 foot waterfall with somewhat of a hole at the bottom, then after the waterfall if you make it into the river center left channel you go down a fun slide. I ended up running the right side of the slide 2 out of 3 times, there on the right side of it are 2 large holes. The first one is strong! Sureform was a crazy time because of the weather. It was 50 mile an hour winds when we were going through and also raining so hard you couldnt keep your eyes open. Luckily most people in the group punched the large curling wave at the top and made it left. Crystal  was the next big one. When we got there no one was running the middle line so I decided to fire it up. Starting out by punching a strong ledge hole on river right  then getting into the main channel I lined up for the middle drop and sent it! It went great! The elevator shaft had much too much water in it. My first run I ended up backwards at the end so I had to go and style it. The second time I was a touch farther left, lined up and cleaned it. Magilla is the last rapid. It is very intimidating looking on the left side. I watched a couple go took some pictures of 2 guys and then was cold. I decided to run the far right. It was a little slide over a dam into a maybe 10-15 foot drop.

All in all it was a great time. My thoughts are out to everyone who got hurt out there. There were a lot of injuries this weekend.

Here are some pictures of the drops video will be coming soon!

Dom Capozzi "going deep" at fowlersville

Gabe at the top of the slide

This is a tiny crowd....

dropping into the main part of crystal

Getting my bow up as much as possible

Coming out

Setting up for the middle line

Dropping in!

Going around the corner into the hallway

Dom Dropping into Crystal Middle line

Gabe on the right line

Mike Dropping into Magilla

Thats a lot of water...

Until next time,
Safe Lines,